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重磅!乌托邦大会即将召开 | 议程

2020-10-29 14:48:51


Agenda of the International Conference

of Utopian and Science Fiction Studies



School of Chinese Language and Literature, 

Beijing Normal University


China Science Writers’ Association



Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences,Chongqing University


Date: December 3rd & 4th, 2016.


Venue: Jiangsu Plaza (Beijing)  


Day 1(December 3rd)

08:30-08:40 开幕式

08:30-08:40  Opening Ceremony

08:40-09:10  学术委员发言

08:40-09:10  Remarks by the members of Academic Committee

09:10-09:30 合  影

09:10-09:30  Group Photo

09:30-10:30  主旨发言:



09:30-10:30  Keynote Speech:  

Dai Jinhua  The Magic Cube of Science/Fiction

Kim Stanley Robinson   The Future of Utopia

► (说明:以下主题报告在两个会场同时进行,未标注的在A会场)

     ( Note: The following sessions will be held at two different places at the same time , the unmarked ones will be held at the hall A.)

►  10:30-10:40 茶歇 Coffee Break



The First Session: Utopia in the Intellectual History(A)

(主持人:吴  岩)

(Moderator: Wu Yan)

李广益    铁血天国:《乌托邦》中的战争与和平

Li Guangyi    Heaven upon Blood and Iron: War and Peace in Utopia

章永乐    《乌托邦》与伊壁鸠鲁主义传统的近代复兴

Zhang Yongle    More's Utopia and  the Modern Revival of the Epicurean Tradition

杨晓雅    乌托邦传统的矛盾式演进

Yang Xiaoya    The Contradictory Evolution of Utopian Tradition


(Discussant: Yao Jianbin)

 12:00-14:00 午餐 Lunch



The Second Session: Utopia and Critical Theory(A)


(Moderator: Wang Hongzhe)                     

王建元    非人类主义中的悖论性乌托邦

Wong Kin Yuen    The Paradoxical Utopia in Nonhumanism

陈   丹    乌托邦形式辩证法初考——以菲利普·K.迪克两部代表作为例

Chen Dan    On the Formal Dialectics of the Utopian Text: With Philip K. Dick’s Two Masterworks as Examples

赵柔柔    隐秘的身体与乌托邦场域——布洛赫“希望哲学”的起点

Zhao Rourou    Body as Utopia: the Starting Point of Ernst Bloch’s The Principle of Hope


(Discussant: Wang Fengzhen)


The Third Session:City and Space(B)   

(主持人:吕   超)

(Moderator: Lyu Chao)

施   畅    隔离与混杂:

Charles Shih    Distinctions vs. Mixtures: The Spatial Politics of Future Cities

罗小茗    被切割的城市:当代科幻小说中的城市想象

Luo Xiaoming    Cuttable Cities: Urban Imagination in Contemporary China

佐夫 P.N. 布雷理    论非地域和未来岛

Joff P.N. Bradley    On the Non-place and Islands-to-come   

(点评人: 陈洁诗)

 (Discussant:Amy Kit-Sze Chan)

 15:40-16:00 茶歇 Coffee Break



The Fourth Session:Chinese Texts in the History(A) 


(Moderator: Jia Liyuan )                         

王   瑶    从“小太阳”到“中国太阳”——当代中国科幻中的乌托邦时空体

Wang Yao    From Minisun to Chinese Sun: The Utopian Chronotope in Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction

蔼孙那檀    科学相声与科幻的选择传统

Nathaniel Isaacson    Kexuexiangsheng and the SF Selective Tradition

(点评人: 吴   岩)

(Discussant:Wu Yan)


The Fifth Session: Text and Vision(B)

(主持人:肖   汉)

(Moderator: Xiao Han)

吕   超    论《别让我走》中的异托邦与后人类伦理

 Lyu Chao    The Heterotopia and Posthuman Ethics in Never Let Me Go

李莹莹    幻想的工具化和乌托邦精神——经典童话与好莱坞电影改编

Li Yingying    The Instrumentalization of Fantasy and The Utopian Function: Fairy Tale Adaptations in Hollywood

郭宝婷    后人类视角的纪录片研究:以维姆·文德斯为例      

Guo Baoting    Documentary Studies from the Posthuman Perspective: Wim Wenders as an Example

(点评人: 王建元)

(Discussant: Wong Kin Yuen)

► 18:00 晚餐 Dinner


Day 2(December 4th)



The Sixth Session:Approaches to the Genres (A)


(Moderator:Nathaniel Isaacson)

苏   湛    从范式视角看科幻文学的发展历程

Su Zhan    The History of Science Fiction in the Perspective of Paradigm

吴淑仪    女性主义乌托邦空间的构成

Jaymee Goh Sook Yi    The Makings of Feminist Utopic Spaces    

杨胜博    彼岸的时光:新世纪以来的台湾科幻(2001-2015)

Yang Shengbo    Time of the Other Shore: Taiwan Science Fiction in the New Century (2001-2015)

詹    玲  

Zhan Ling    On Bao Tianxiao’s Science Fiction  

(点评人:舒   伟)

(Discussant:Shu Wei)


The Seventh Session:Legacy and Imagination of War(B)


(Moderator:Meng Qingshu)

山本范子    日本SF中的“战争”——从《巨匠们的想象力》中看“反乌托邦”

Yamamaoto Noriko    “War” in Japanese SF: A Look Upon “Dystopia” through The Imagination of Masters

王   越    游戏还是战争——《饥饿游戏》和《大逃杀》的比较阅读

 Wang Yue    A Game or A Battle: A Comparative Reading of Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games and Koushun Takami’s Battle Royale

任冬梅    民国科幻小说中的战争叙事——以《月球旅行记》为例

Ren Dongmei    War Narrative in Science Fiction of the Republic of China:A Case Study on Journey to the Moon

(点评人:陈   颀)

(Discussant:Chen Qi)

10:10-10:20 茶歇 Coffee Break



The Eighth Session:The Global Exploration of Utopia

(主持人:罗   鹏)

(Moderator:Carlos Rojas)

Veronica Hollinger    人类世中的乌托邦

Veronica Hollinger    Utopia in the Anthropocene

王洪喆    全球60年代、

       Wang Hongzhe    Global 1960s, Sociotechnical-Activist Utopianism and Alternative Roadmap to the Socialist Information Society: Allende Chile's Cybersyn Revolution

孙佳山    “泛科幻”话语与当代资本主义的未来逻辑——中国科幻文艺的现实处境和历史挑战

Sun Jiashan    Pan Sci-fi Discourse and the Future Logic of Contemporary Capitalism: The Actual Situation and Historical Challenge of Chinese Sci-Fi Art and Literature

(点评人:王   瑶)

(Discussant:Wang Yao)

12:00-14:00 午餐 Lunch



The Ninth Session:History in the Chinese Texts(A)


(Moderator:Jiang Zhenyu)

于海燕    时·空·人:“京派”小说“乌托邦”书写的构态分析

Yu Haiyan    Time·Space·Character: The Configuration of Utopia Writing in Beijing School Fiction

范轶伦    在历史与虚构之间:“历史科幻”之可能——钱莉芳《天命》中的叙事装置和概念实验

Fan Yilun    Between History and Fiction: The Possibility of “Historical Science Fiction”--Narrative Device and  Conceptual Experiment in Qian Lifang’s Tian Ming

陈   颀    历史穿越小说中的社会改革与宪制设计——以《新宋》和《宰执天下》为讨论中心    

Chen Qi    Social Reform and Constitution Design in the Altenate History Fictions: A Case Study of New Song Dynasty and The Prime Minister of All-under-Heaven

(点评人: 詹   玲)

(Discussant:Zhan Ling)


The Tenth Session:Exploring the Future in China(B) 


(Moderator:Zhang Yongle)    

姚达兑    斯宾塞福音:论李提摩太译《大同学》的理想社会及其影响

Yao Dadui    The Gospel of Spencer: Timothy Richard’s Translation of Benjamin Kidd’s Social Evolution and Its Influence on Liang Qichao

罗    鹏    与"世界同轨":韩松、交通与乌托邦的梦幻

Carlos Rojas  Han Song and the Dream of Reason

陈立群  :网络小说中的“乌托邦”构建

Chen Liqun    Politics of Yi-yin:the Construction of Utopia in the Internet Fictions

(点评人: 吕   超)

(Discussant: Lyu Chao)

15:40-16:00 茶歇 Coffee Break



The Eleventh Session:Liu Cixin and the Three-Body Trilogy  


(Moderator:Li Guangyi)

杨   宸    从“终极乌托邦”到“宇宙中的人”——论全球化视角下《三体》的乌托邦性质

Yang Chen    From “the Ultimate Utopia” to “Human in the Universe”: The Utopian Characteristics of The Three-Body from a Perspective of Globalization

李   桦    当代中国科幻小说中的能源危机和技术乌托邦主义

Li Hua    Energy Crisis and Technological Utopianism in Contemporary Chinese SF

        孙梦天    遭遇外星人/殖民者:阿瑟·C·克拉克的《童年的终结》和刘慈欣的《三体》三部曲

Sun Mengtian    Alien/Colonial Encounters in Arthur C. Clarke’s Childhood’s End and Liu Cixin’s Three-body Trilogy 

(点评人: 戴锦华)

(Discussant:Dai Jinhua)


总结发言:吴   岩

Summary Speech:Wu Yan

► 旁听请联系会务组。联系人:牛冬娴()  Please contact the Organizing Committee if you would like to audit the conference. Contact Person: Miss Niu Dongxian ()

